Treefacts – Shademaster Honey Locust

Warm Weather Trees

Trees have been at the disposal of people throughout history. First it was heat and shelter, then cooking and furniture. Besides being a nature lover’s dream, trees have a multitude of uses including scientific research through the greening of the atmosphere. People need trees as much as they ever did.

Treefacts - Shademaster Honey Locust

A shade tree in summer is worth a great deal when the temperature lingers in the 90s. But the tree itself must be able to withstand heat. As an example, rain forest areas need heat and moisture, but have little tolerance for extreme cold temperatures or drought.

Trees are a wise property investment. They add privacy, wind protection, bright color, and the warmth of Feng Shui to the total package. Trees add money value to property. When planting trees, it is important that they can not only survive their new environment, but that they can thrive in it.

Cold Weather Trees

Shademaster Honey Locust (gledisia triacanthos) hasa thornless variety and a 10 in. thorned variety-with some very nasty thorns on the bark of the tree and in the small light green leaves- which turn yellow in the fall. The Shademaster Honey Locust is easy to plant and fast growing as well – 24 inches a year. It can reach heights of 30 to 70 ft., and has a spread of 30 to 70 ft.

Native to North America, the Shademaster Honey Locust is a perfect shade tree with a spreading canopy. This tree has fragrant yellow blossoms that attract bees. The huge seed pods are as long as 8 in. They contain a sweet substance, which livestock and wild animals eat. They are a tough, beautiful, and hardy tree. The garden hardiness zone for this plant is straight down the middle of North America.

Canada’s native tree is Sugar Maple. The Shademaster Honey Locusts fit in well with Red Maple, Silver Maple, and Autumn Blaze Maple trees. The Shademaster Honey Locusts as well as maples like cold weather as well as warm weather and are stunning whether they are green or flaunting brilliant autumn colors.

Trees for Every Climate and Temperament

Trees for sale in Newmarket

In central and southern Ontario, the sponsor of Treefacts – Shademaster Honey Locust is Caledon Treeland, a family run tree farm selling evergreens, maples, and shade trees, some as huge as a 30 foot Norway Spruce. Big trees can be moved by professional tree companies. Our trees are guaranteed for one year.

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