Shade Trees

Enhance Your Property with GTA Shade Trees from Caledon Treeland

Enhance your natural outdoor environment with beautiful maples and shade trees from Caledon Treeland. Our GTA tree farm boasts an impressive selection of shade trees for you to choose from. The list below includes the most common varieties. Other types of shade trees are available upon request.

Competitive Prices Guaranteed

Our prices include stock and planting. Please inquire about our volume discounts .Find more information about our most common shade trees below. The sizes range from 3 to 8 inch caliper (thickness of trunk) 12 to 30 feet tall.

Sugar Maple (acer saccharum)

Sugar Maple (acer saccharum)

Canada’s beautiful native tree is known for its brilliant fall colour.

Autumn Blaze Maple (acer rubrum)

Autumn Blaze Maple (acer rubrum)

This quick growing tree’s leaves turn from medium green to a brilliant orange and red display in the fall.

Shademaster Honey Locust (gledisia triacanthos)

Shademaster Honey Locust (gledisia triacanthos)

Its irregular vase shape and upright branches give the tree its nice, light shade.Yellow fall colour.


Native Red Maple (acer rubrum)
Native Red Maple (acer rubrum)

A hardy tree with green leaves until the fall when it lives up to its name by showing off brilliant scarlet leaves.

Silver Maple (acer saccharinum)
Silver Maple (acer saccharinum)

The Silver Maple gets its name from the greyish, silver undersides of its leaves.

Greenspire Linden (tila cordata)Greenspire Linden (tila cordata)

Slow growing with small, dark green leaves.

Royal Red Maple (acer platanoides)

Royal Red Maple (acer platanoides)

Our most popular Norway Maple variety. Its dark purple leaves hold their color throughout the growing season.