Reasons to Mulch Your Tree and Garden

When springtime and warm weather finally arrive, our thoughts turn to our gardens, yards, and trees. For many homeowners and gardening enthusiasts, preparation for “the May 2-4” starts with raking up leaves, removing trash and other accumulated winter debris, and applying new mulch around our trees.

Mulch is a protective layer of material distributed on the soil around plants and other greenery. It’s usually composed of newspaper, leaves, wood shavings, grass, or stones. Mulching (the application of mulch on the soil around a tree) is both functional and attractive.

Here are the main reasons to mulch your garden and trees:


Reasons to Mulch Your Tree and Garden

Soil Erosion

The surface of your soil can scatter easily when strong winds blow. Rain can also wash it away. When this happens, trees and plants have difficulty absorbing nutrients from the ground. However, with mulch carefully placed around your tree and surrounding plants, they can take in water more slowly, and the mulch will keep soil in place.

Weed Protection

Weeds are a constant worry for some gardeners. They can sully beauty of your yard and overwhelm your other plants. Mulch acts as a barrier to keep weed seeds off the soil, reducing the likelihood of sprouting. Weeds that are under the earth may also be suppressed by the presence of mulch.


Reasons to Mulch Your Tree and Garden


Extreme Temperatures

Trees can also be affected by extremely hot or low temperatures during summer and winter months. Mulch covering the soil can shield a tree’s roots from these harsh conditions. The layer of mulch on the surface will keep the ground underneath from getting too hot during the summer and retains heat during the cold weather.

Added Nourishment

When the mulch starts to disintegrate, it gradually combines and releases minerals into the soil and forms the top layer. The soil becomes strengthened, with improved texture.


Reasons to Mulch Your Tree and Garden


Aesthetic Value

Mulch can add springtime colour immediately after the cold weather wanes, before plants grow and bloom. Its texture creates a nice contrast to a grassy or mossy surface, and is a welcome design element.

Moisture Preservation

Water and moisture are vital to the survival of trees and shrubs. Mulch applied to nearby soil retains more moisture and prevents rapid evaporation.

Too much mulch or improper mulching has the potential to harm your tree, despite its potential benefits. Get mulching advice from tree care specialists at Caledon Treeland. Give us a call at (905) 880-1828 for tree help in the GTA, or to make an appointment to view the wide variety of trees we have for sale.

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