The Who, The What, And The Why Of Canadian Tree Galls

Canada Oh Canada!

Four Easy Ways to Identify a Native Canadian Maple

Trees are a huge part of the Canadian life. Easily understood because logging is one of our top economic industries. Trees are so important to Canada that we put a maple leaf on our nation’s flag. This act alone made the red maple leaf one of the strongest symbols associated with Canada. These Canadian trees are rather hardy, stemming from the diverse climatic habitat. Unfortunately, a common occurrence with these beautiful trees are abnormal tuberous growths called galls. When infected too much it can harm tree growth, but more commonly it just affects the individual aesthetics, whether it be from the nature observer or quality of a wood product.

The Who, The What, and The Why

The Who, The What, And The Why Of Canadian Tree Galls

Galls can be found on almost any tree or shrub and on almost any part of the plant from the root to the individual leaves. The method of infestations is also diverse by means of bacterial, fungal, virus, mites, insects, and even worms. The difference in species correlates to different hosts. Which, is why there is so much variety when it comes to galls. The most common way of infection is by insect and mites. These individuals stimulate cell growth in their host, and in turn provides the invader with a shelter and abundance of food.

Common Galls to Identify

The Who, The What, And The Why Of Canadian Tree Galls

To make sure you don’t have an infestation here are three common trees that might be in your life. It is important to be able to recognize an infection to prevent it from spreading.

Maple Gall Mites

The mites that affect maple create green spherical or vertical worm-like structures extending out from the top of the maple leaf.

Spruce Gall Aphid

This aphid causes galls that look like mutated pinecones and can be found on the smallest branches of the tree.

General Crown Gall

The crown gall is a general gall caused by bacteria vectors. It is the iconic tumor you have seen on a tree while walking down the street. It occurs on the branches or trunk of the tree creating an unsightly bulge.

Trees for Sale

Caledon Treeland takes pride in the beauty of our trees. Keep the health of Canada’s forestry alive with us today. Check out our “Trees for Sale” tab located that the top center of our website.

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